Can cold showers help you achieve your goals?

Each year I start a new habit. This (calendar) year I’ve been doing cold showers. ‘Why would you’ is a question I’ve been asked countless times. There are a few reasons:

1.Like red bull, it gives you wings. I don’t really understand the science in detail but I do know it feels like I have a warm afterglow afterwards which I assume is caused by increased blood circulation. It also feels like I have more resilience to chillier temps – I just don’t get cold anymore.

2. It provides a daily sense of achievement. Most days involve a good cop/bad cop internal debate weighing up the pros/cons. So here’s the how internal chat goes most days:

Bad cop: there’s a reason humanity developed the technology needed to create warm showers with a turn of a tap. Stop fighting progress.

Good cop: You will thank me afterwards.

So far good cop has won each day and has been right every time. I’m always thankful afterwards.

3. It sharpens the mind. I have lost count of the number of problems that have suddenly been de-fogged within minutes. 

So we’re coming to the end of another fiscal year.  For many Businesses, this is a time of reflection and planning. In my experience, the Businesses who include habit-setting in their planning are far more likely to achieve their goals.

I was speaking to a Business CEO who recently introduced a non-negotiable for all of his Leadership Team to reduce their day-to-day involvement because the Business plan demands more strategic capacity then the CEO can provide. The first habit needed was for the Leaders to stop attending operational work-in-progress meetings. This one simple change has caused a range of emotions within the Leadership Team from the angst of letting go of control, to the frustration of finding a new working rhythm with the next layer down to ultimately a feeling of excitement as the Business plan is finally getting some proper attention….this whole journey was instigated by one change.

Despite the title, this blog is not about encouraging cold showers specifically but to be intentional with your habit-setting when you are confirming your goals/priorities for next fiscal year. So what will your new habit be?!

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