2016 has been a busy year. Everyone I meet has the same problem – ‘Sure, my business is growing, but I’m finding that as I grow my business, I’m hitting more and more problems and obstacles.’
You can protect your business against growing pains by developing a culture and structure that is aligned around 1 primary context for the Business at any point. The below snapshot of this year’s posts explains what this means. Feel free to comment or share your thoughts on each of the links, or through our social channels.
Your context is an anchor. A ‘why’. A criteria to pass decisions through.
You’re probably thinking of multiple contexts but there is always a primary one on any given day and that usually determines the decision.
The trick is to be aware of your context before you make your decision.
Like a child, a business is never immune from challenges and the type of challenges depends on the phase.
It pays to be very clear on where your Business is at on the lifecycle. That way you know which growing pains are the priority right now and which ones are likely to follow.
There’s a huge amount of research behind this theme and one of the commonly agreed views is that feelings come from how you make meaning. What context you hold an event in.
Try answering our 3 questions to understand the difference between playing to win or playing not to lose.
Your Product Is Hot, Your Service Is Not
Most Businesses start with brilliant service. It’s easier in the early days to over-service clients because there aren’t that many. More clients come on and the Business grows….which is surely a good thing…..right?
Growth is a great thing, but there are consequences.
An Awesome Business With A Truly Inspiring Message
Since 1948 this very impressive business has been built on strong family values…real values that are used to drive decisions and shape behaviour.
I look forward to connecting with you all in 2017, in person and also with a new catalogue of (hopefully) thought-provoking articles.